This course is designed for those musicians who wish to further develop their skills beyond grade 8 in music performance. As a student on this course you will be required to show technical mastery within a professional performance.
The aims of Diploma qualifications at levels 4, 5 and 6 are:
- To provide progression from the graded examinations progressive mastery framework.
- To provide opportunities for learners to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of specialist areas such as teaching or working in the creative industries.
- To provide progression within the Diploma pathways for management and/or higher level technical and professional skills, knowledge and understanding.
Diploma qualifications in Performance are suitable for candidates in the pre-16, 16–18, 19+ age groups.
The lesson will take place once a week for two hours, online with live teachers. The course lasts 3 years, 10 months from each level with two months of break in between. All the materials of study will be provided and will be included in the monthly quota. At the end of the 10 months of lessons, the student will take the exam Online with the London College of Music external examiner and obtain the following certifications:
YEAR ONE: Diploma of The London College of Music (DipLCM)
YEAR TWO: Associate of The London College of Music (ALCM)
YEAR THREE: Licentiate of The London College of Music (ALCM)
Repertoire selection and preparation
Advanced Technique
Elements of Music Theory
Elements of Music History
DipLCM in Performance (year one)
Candidates who enter for this examination will be expected to demonstrate a standard of performance beyond that of Grade 8, consistent with a Level 1 (frst-year) undergraduate recital. Security of technique, and the ability to communicate an emerging and mature sense of musical personality, will be expected.
ALCM in Performance (year two)
This diploma demands a higher standard of performance and musicianship, consistent with a Level 2 (second-year) undergraduate recital. Security of technique, and the ability to communicate a degree of fair and imagination in performance, will be expected.
LLCM in Performance (year three)
This diploma demands a fully professional standard of performance and musicianship, consistent with a Level 3 (final-year) undergraduate recital. An extremely secure and versatile technique, together with the ability to communicate a tangible sense of interpretative awareness and convincing musicianship, will be expected.
London College of Music is an esteemed Conservatoire of Music located in the heart of London, founded in 1887 and now Faculty of the Arts at the University of West London. Through its external examinations department, London College of Music Examinations, it arranges examination sessions in numerous nations around the world, thus offering the opportunity to pursue their Certificates and Diplomas recognized in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
LCM degrees in Music Performance and Teaching are regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales and CCEA. The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a framework that links qualifications from different countries. It acts as a translation tool to make qualifications more easily understood in different European countries and systems. The EQF levels for LCM examinations can be found in the Regulated Qualifications Registry.
In the tables below, you will find the credits and specifications for each certification offered in the Diploma course.
DipLCM (Year one)
Qualification TitleÂ
UWLQ Level 4 Diploma in Music Performance
Qualification Type
Performing Arts Graded Examination
Qualification NumberÂ
Qualification Level
Level 4
European Qualification Framework Level
Level 5
Total Credits
Guided Learning Hours
Total Qualification Time
ALCM (Year two)
Qualification TitleÂ
UWLQ Level 5 Diploma in Music Performance
Qualification Type
Performing Arts Graded Examination
Qualification NumberÂ
Qualification Level
Level 5
European Qualification Framework Level
Level 5
Total Credits
Guided Learning Hours
Total Qualification Time
LLCM (Year three)
Qualification TitleÂ
UWLQ Level 6 Diploma in Music Performance
Qualification Type
Performing Arts Graded Examination
Qualification NumberÂ
Qualification Level
Level 6
European Qualification Framework Level
Level 6
Total Credits
Guided Learning Hours
Total Qualification Time
All candidates are invited to audition.
They should demonstrate a Grade 8 Level of playing/singing and a knowledge of Popular Music Theory. Candidates with a Grade 8 Certificate in Music Performance and a Grade 5 Certificate in Music Theory will be automatically admitted to the program.
The audition will require a performance and sight reading/singing, as well as Popular Music Theory questions.